Wednesday 13 November 2013

happy healthy hair

It is cold out there! Winter is definitely upon us and I for one am not enjoying it at the moment. But, "What does this have to do with hair?" I hear you say...

Well, extremes in weather can ravage your tresses so it is important to keep it healthy over the colder months. Cold air and wind alike can really dry your hair out, and, so can the intense and dry heat of central heating and fires. This can lead to hair looking dull and potentially frizzy (not what you want when going to all the Christmas parties.)

So, you need to keep your hair as hydrated as possible. A weekly hair treatment is the best way to combat this dryness however salon treatments can prove expensive. This post will show some of my favourite home hair treatments. There will be some bargain beauties alongside some more premium treats so whatever your budget, you will find something!

Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Reconstructor - £4.99

I love this product! I first used this when I majorly damaged my hair with my straighteners when I was 14. The damage to part of my hair was unrepairable (so I shaved it) but for the rest of my hair this product worked amazingly.

The product is thick and smells gorgeous. A very delicate minty fragrance to me. After shampooing your hair can feel dense and tangled but as soon as you put this in your hair it becomes instantly more managable. I often leave this product on for more than three minutes but it definitely is worth it.
The product washes out quickly and easily and leaves hair soft and manageable. A definite purchase for those in need of quick hair recovery!

Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque - varying prices depending on size.

I was first introduced to this after I started bleaching my hair almost two years ago. I asked for a conditioning treatment after my first round with the dreaded bleach and I fell in love. The masque is a  combination of macadamia oil and argan oil along with tea tree oil, chamomile oil, aloe and algae extracts which hydrate, nourish and repair dry and damaged hair. Extended benefits of the product are said to include extension of the life of colour treatments by reducing fading, natural UV protection and the reduction of drying time an amazing 40-50%. 

The main thing I noticed about this product was the fact that I didn't have to use very much of the product at all. A little went a very long way. The mix of oils, including aloe as well meant that the product was very calming on the scalp so great for over processed coloured hair. The recommended usage time for the masque is 10 minutes but I have left it on longer for a more intensive treatment. Once washed off my hair feels light and nourished - not weighed down like some oil based products can make hair. I didn't notice any difference in drying time however, but, this masque is definitely worth a try. Available from most salons and

Moroccan Oil Masques - varying prices

The Moroccan Oil masques are the most luxurious hair treatments I have tried, and are the most expensive ones too! However, although pricey they are most definitely worth it.


Hydration Masque (brown lid) - is a rich, creamy treatment, designed to hydrate and repair damage.

"Moroccan Oil Intense Hydrating Mask does not need heat to be activated; only 5 to 7 minutes will treat hair with much needed moisture and protein, adding elasticity and shine. This highly effective mask revitalises and hydrates hair, restoring shine and manageability."

This masque leaves hair feeling, soft and manageable - the cheapest I have been able to find this product is £24.95 on It is such a good product, no other product matches the quality of it.

Restorative Masque (orange lid)A therapeutic remedy for colour/chemical damaged hair. I would not recommend using this product at home but if your hair is in desperate of need of saviour then book in for a salon treatment and ask for this. My hairdresser told me that if this product is left on for longer than the 5 minute usage time that the hair will break because there is so much protein packed into each treatment so BE CAREFUL!

"Moroccan Oil Restorative Hair Mask penetrates deep into the hair to help restore elasticity and rebuild strength while repairing damage caused by chemicals and other environmental stresses. This unique formula is rich in proteins and will help bring out hair's inner health, leaving it incredibly moisturised with a brilliant shine."

Ok, I could ramble about different masques I have tried all day, but I will leave you with these three brands. Please comment below with any you have tried and I will have a look!

Much love 
R x

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