Wednesday 4 December 2013

up? down? left? right? - how to apply your products correctly

I have blogged about moisturiser and foundation now and given tips on application, but, after talking to some people yesterday there are still somethings people are unaware of!

This will be a short post, an APPLICATION 101 so to say,

When applying moisturiser always apply in circular motions moving UP the face! Smooth the product upwards. This upward lift will encourage blood flow to the skin in the face, which in turn will increase cellular production in the face meaning fresh skin cells will be produced more frequently, which therefore means skin will appear younger, fuller, with fewer lines. It may not look, at first, as though it is doing anything but if you are rigorous and keep moisturising upwards you will notice your skin is soft, hydrated and youthful.
Remember - moisturise UP!!!

I have already posted a lot on foundation application and my biggest tip is always use some sort of applicator for foundation. Using your fingers will ultimately make your base streaky and unblended!

As an opposite to moisturiser you should always apply foundation in DOWNWARD strokes. The fine hairs on your face (yes, we all have them) lie downwards and so you need to follow this when applying make-up. If not you will lift the hairs on the face making them visible for all to see, which I know nobody wants. To make sure you've done this properly always apply foundation in a good light, not only to make sure you've covered and blended well but also to make sure you've not caught any pesky hairs!!

That's all I had to say! and, I hope it proves useful.
Please leave any comments below!
R x

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